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0132080230, Cooking

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//-->lcroeco•CDmlC5SEVENTHEDITION•ROBERT S. PINDYCKDANIEL L. RUBINFELDReal-worldexamples are key to the applied approach of thisbook.The seventh edition of Microeconomicsincorporatesmore than 100 detailed examples into the flow of the text. The following is a list of these examples:EXAMPLE1. PrescriptionDrugs10The MarketforSweeteners11ThePriceofEggs andthePrice of a CollegeEducationTheMinimumWage 1413ThePrice ofEggsandthe Price ofa College EducationRevisited 28WageInequalityintheUnitedStates 29The Long-RunBehaviorof Natural ResourcesPrices30The Effectsof9/11 ontheSupply and Demand for New YorkCityOffice SpaceThe Market for Wheat 38The DemandforGasoline and Automobiles44The WeatherinBrazil andthe Priceof CoffeeinNew York 46The Behavior of Copper Prices 52Upheaval intheWorld Oil Market 54Price Controls and Natural Gas Shortages 59DesigningNew Automobiles (I) 77Can MoneyBuyHappiness?81DesigningNew Automobiles(II)89A College Trust Fund 91Revealed Preference for Recreation 94Marginal Utility and Happiness97Gasoline Rationing 98The Bias in the CPI105Consumer Expendituresin theUnited States117The Effects of a Gasoline Tax123The Aggregate Demand for Wheat 129The Demand for Housing130The Valueof CleanAir134Network Externalities and theDemandsforComputersandE-MailThe Demand for Ready-to-Eat Cereal 143Deterring Crime164Business Executives andthe ChoiceofRisk 169The Value of Title Insurance When Buying aHouse 173The Value ofInformationintheDairy Industry175Doctors, Patients, andtheValue ofinformation175Investing in the Stock Market 183New York City Taxicab Drivers 190Malthus andtheFood Crisis 204Labor Productivity and the Standard of LivingA ProductionFunctionfor Wheat 213Returnsto Scale in the Carpet Industry21720632139Choosing theLocationforaNewLaw SchoolBuilding 223Sunk,Fixed,andVariableCosts:Computers,Software,andPizzasThe Short-Run Cost of Aluminum Smelting232The Effect ofEffluentFees onInputChoices239Economies of Scope in the Trucking Industry251The Learning CurveinPractice 255Cost Functions for Electric Power 258226Condominiums versus CooperativesinNew York City 275TheShort-Run Output Decision of an Aluminum Smelting Plant 282Some Cost Considerations for Managers283The Short-RunProductionofPetroleumProducts 286TheShort-Run World SupplyofCopper289Constant-, Increasing-, andDecreasing-Cost Industries:Coffee,Oil,and AutomobilesThe Long-RunSupplyof Housing 304Price Controls and Natural Gas ShortagesThe MarketforHuman Kidneys 317Airline Regulation 321SupportingthePrice of Wheat 327The Sugar Quota 333ATaxon Gasoline 340314302EXAMPLE10.110.210.310.410.510.611.111.211.311.411.511.611.712.112.212.312.412.512.613.113.213.313.413.513.613.713.814.114.214.314.414.514.614.715.115.215.315.415.515.616.116.216.317.117.217.317.417.517.618.118.218.318.418.518.618.718.8TOPICAstra-Merck Prices Prilosec 356Markup Pricing: Supermarkets of Designer JeansThe Pricing of Videos 365Monopsony Power in U.S. Manufacturing380A Phone CallAboutPrices 384The United StalesversusMicrosoft385364The Economics of Coupons and Rebates 400Airline Fares 402How to Price a Best-SellingNovel406Polaroid Cameras 410Pricing Cellular Phone Service 411The Complete Dinnerversusala Carte: A Restaurant's Pricing ProblemAdvertising in Practice 427MonopolisticCompetition in theMarketsfor Colas and Coffee 447A Pricing Problem for Procter&Gamble 460Procter&Gamble in a Prisoners' Dilemma 463Price Leadership and Price Rigidity in Commercial Banking 467The Cartelization of lntercollegiate Athletics 473TheMilk Cartel474Acquiring a Company 481Oligopolistic Cooperation in the Water Meter Industry492Competition and Collusion in the Airline Industry493Wal-Mart Stores Preemptive Investment Strategy 501DuPont Deters Entry in the Titanium Dioxide Industry507Diaper Wars 508Auctioning Legal Services 514Internet Auctions515The Demand for Jet Fuel 528Labor Supply for One- and Two-Earner Households533Pay in the Military 537Monopsony Power in the Market for Baseball Players 541Teenage Labor Markets and theMinimumWage 542The Decline of Private-Sector Unionism 546Wage-Inequality-HaveComputers Changed the Labor Market?TheValue of LostEarnings555The Yields on Corporate Bonds 559Capital Investment in the Disposable Diaper IndustryChoosing an Air Conditioner and aNewCar 569Should You Go to Business School? 572How Depletable Are Depletable Resources? 576The Global Market for Ethanol 588Trading Tasks and iPod Production608The Costs and Benefits of Special Protection422547566609Lemons in Major League Baseball 622Working into theNight627Reducing Moral Hazard-Warrantiesof Animal HealthCEO Salaries 632Managersof Nonprofit Hospitals as Agents 634EfficiencyWages atFordMotor Company 641The Costs and Benefits of Sulfur Dioxide EmissionsReducing Sulfur Dioxide Emissions in Beijing 657Emissions Trading and Clean Air 658Regulating Municipal Solid Wastes 662Global Warming 667The Coase Theorem at Work 672Crawfish Fishing in Louisiana 674The Demand for Clean Air 679649630MicroeconomicsSEVENTH EDITIONtcroeconomtcsSEVENTHEDITION••Robert S. PindyckMassachusettsInstituteofTechnologyDanielL.RubinfeldUniversityof California,BerkeleyallIlEaUpper Saddle River,NewJersey 07458 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
