They seem to make lots of good flash cms templates that has animation and sound.


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//-->WARPAINTS MAG'M O D E L I S M ,issueofB YM O D E L E R S ,MiniN°01SEPTEMBER 2015 FIRST YEARFREE WEBZINE PUBLISHED BY THE WARPAINTS ASSOCIATIONAVAILABLE IN FRENCHFO RM O D E L E R SSpecialWarpaints mag’s- Minin°01-September 2015deFirst of all, thank you all !Thank you for the success of the first issue of our Web-zine Warpaints Mag’. Indeed more than 6 000 downloads inFrench and English were made from our platform. And weknow for sure that this figure was largely exceeded as wewere not able to add the figures from the other 3 platformson which the Mag was available for download.This is a tremendous encouragement for us and it comfortsus in our endeavour to share freely our passion.For your information, we launched officially an associationon the eve of the Saumur exhibition and Warpaints Mag’ willbe one of its media. You are all welcome to join us and be-come an active member.We had set ourselves the target of releasing two issues peryear and we will commit to achieving it. The next issue ofWarpaints Mag’ will be released mid-December.However given the success that the first release met, wewanted to keep the momentum.We thought it would be interesting to issue random releasesof Warpaints Mag’ in a shorter format on topics that are col-lateral to scale modelling.And we came up with the idea of Warpaints Mag’ Mini!This « mini » Webzine will only be released when we thinkwe have sufficient matter on a topic that is most likely tobe of interest for a majority of scale modellers. It is called“mini” as there will be less pages than in the standard War-paints Mag’ format.As said before, it is topic-based and for this first issue wechose a subject that is dear to our AFV modellers’ hearts,i.e. The Saumur Museum!The Saumur AFV Museum is a temple than any AFV model-ler must visit once in his life. In this issue we will show youall aspects of this fantastic place.We would like to thank the military authorities for grantingus the authorisation to show you what the public cannot seeduring a normal visit.You will also discover what is happening behind the scenesof the yearly scale model contest.And last but not least, we were allowed to make you disco-ver the jewel of the crown: the Saumur Kingtiger that re-mains the only one in the world still in working condition.You will find in the following pages a complete walkaroundincluding pictures of the interior of the beast.Special thanks to José Duquesne without whom this firstissue of Warpaints Mag’ mini could not have been released.A second issue will probably be available in 2016as we haveplenty of ideas!But first let’s meet in December for the second issue ofWarpaints Mag’ that will be dedicated to the Battle of theBulge!Happy ModellingMaxLEMAIREEditorial team :Manager :Max LEMAIRELayout and graphic design :Jean-Charles “PanzAir“ WINDELSTranslation :Sébastien TARTAR, Olivier CARNEAU,Alexandre BENVENUTI, Eric COULONPublic relations:José DUQUESNEAuthors :José DUQUESNE, Yvan GARNIERPictures :Warpaints/Colle21Special thanks to :Frederic CHAUTANT,François-Julien Mercier, Philippe DION, Hubert CANCEsommaireEDITORIAL12345678The Tank Museumand its Associationpage3by JoséDuquesneVirtual visitpage6by JoséDuquesneThe reservespage10by JoséDuquesneRenovation workshoppage13by JoséDuquesneRestoration, the teampage14by JoséDuquesneWalkaround of the masterpieceof the museum : the King Tigerpage18by JoséDuquesneModel showpage32by JoséDuquesneet YvanGARNIERDynamic demonstrationpage36by JoséDuquesneand YvanGARNIERMiniN°01Free magazineBulletin d'adhésion à l'association des Amis du Musée des BlindésLe Musée des Blindés est géré par une association de type loi 1901 : l'association des Amis du Musée des Blindés.Pour progresser, cette association a besoin d'adhérents. Rejoignez-les en devenant membre de l'AAMB.Je soussigné:Nom, Prénom:.............................................................................................................Profession:.................................................................................................................Adresse civile:............................................................................................................Adresse militaire éventuelle:.....................................................................................Tél. :............................................................................................................................Déclare adhérer à l' "Association des Amis du Musée des Blindés de Saumur" en qualité de:QMembre actif ( 30 Euros minimum) : résident en France.QMembre actif ( 35 Euros minimum) : résident à l'étranger.QMembre bienfaiteur (100 Euros minimum).Je verse en conséquence la somme de.....................(chèque bancaire, mandat ou chèque postal)à l'ordre suivant: "Association des Amis du Musée des Blindés de Saumur".Ceci représente ma cotisation pour l'année 20....A..........................................., le................................20....Signature:L'AAMB étant reconnue Association d'utilité Publique, un reçu fiscal vous sera envoyé pour toute somme versée supérieure à 30 Euros.Ce reçu autorise la déduction d'une partie de la cotisation sur la déclaration d'impôts.4111The Tank Museum and its AssociationThe Armoured Vehicle Resource Centre was founded in1977 by Colonel Aubry. Over two hundred armoured vehi-cles were then gathered within the Armoured Cavalry Arm.Due to an increase in interest, the collection was eventuallyopened to the public in 1983. Although the collection stillbelongs to the Defence Ministry, its running was delegatedto a non-profit organisation (Association Loi 1901) namedthe AAMB or the Association of the Friends of the Tank Mu-seum.Over the last 30 years, the CDEB has salvaged vehicles of allsorts and of all nations, so much so that today the collectionnumbers almost 850 pieces and makes the Saumur Tank’scollection the largest in the world. Over two hundred vehi-cles can be seen by the public and around 20% of the col-lection is in working order. The conservation work continuesto this day in partnership with industry, the GDA and thanksto donations and swaps with other nations which allows forthe acquisition of new vehicles.The Association of the Friends of the Tank museum (AAMB)has been given the task of generating funds and in orderto do so, several events have been created. The most ob-vious way to generate those funds is, of course, the everincreasing number of paying visitors to the Museum. Theshop is another source of revenue for the Museum, throughits sales of souvenirs, model-kits, books and clothing. Thevehicles are also available to rent for the film industry, com-memorations and exhibitions.An International model show takes place every year at themuseum during the Pentecost week-end (Springtime). It isan opportunity for many to see the Museum’s “Beasts ofSteel” in action in a live display.Another opportunity to see a large number of armoured fi-ghting vehicles in action, is during the popular “Carousel ofSaumur” event, which takes place in front of the “ArmouredVehicle Application School”, Place du Chardonnet.The twelve Exhibition Halls give the visitors an opportunityto discover the evolution of tanks through an ever-evolvingand educative visit, that is regularly enriched by new andexiting exhibits.A five strong team works all year round to maintain and re-novate this huge collection. “Volunteers’ Weeks” were ini-tiated by Colonel Seignon in 2003 in order to give a muchneeded hand to the Museum’s full-time team.Four workshops of one week are organised every sixmonths. The 8.8 Flak benefited from such workshops and itis today fully restored. Another beneficiary of this initiative isthe Panzer IV, which, although it is still a work in progress,is expected to be in a working order in the near future. Eachteam numbers two to six volunteers. The Panther ausf Gworkshop was once one of those projects and took placeover 15 weeks with a team of four volunteers on average.Immersed in History, made up of one of the most diverseand rich collections offered to the public, presented in anexiting and dynamic manner, the Saumur Tank Museum is aunique and unmissible historical site.You should no longer hesitate to pay us a visit !1THE TANK MUSEUMAND ITS ASSOCIATIONMusée des Blindés1043, route de Fontevraud - 49400 SAUMURtél: - Fax: museedesblindes wanadoo.frInformation Carrousel.Office de tourisme de Saumur8 Quai Carnot - 49418 Saumurtél: 02 41 40 20 60ou Association des Amis du Musée des Blindés5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
